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What is FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) ? 

Harvesting of grafts is made by FUE ( Extraction of Follicular Units  one by one with a round tiny punch) or FUT ( strip,  cut by the assistant into follicular units , under microscope)

The transplant grafts are then meticulously placed, one by one, into the recipient area.
The arrangement and positioning of these follicular unit grafts determines the aesthetic qualities of a hair transplant, and so this arrangement must be decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on the patients’ actual and future hair loss pattern , goal and expectation . 

Who can benefit from micro hair transplantation using FUE/FUT?

Dr Patricia Cahuzac - Femmes | FUE FUT

Which cases can benefit from micro hair transplantation, FUT?



The most common cause of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, which depends on male hormones (Testosterone, Di Hydro Testosterone) and a genetic factor, transmitted from the paternal or maternal side. Only 2% of men will not experience hair loss during their life, keeping the front line intact and a density that does not vary. In men, the two techniques for harvesting hair from the donor area (FUE and FUT) can be used.

Chez l’homme, les deux techniques de prélèvement des cheveux dans la zone donneuse (FUE et FUT) peuvent être utilisées. 

Qui peut bénéficier de la micro greffe de cheveux par transplantation d’unités folliculaires (FUT) ?

- Toute personne ayant une chute de cheveux permanente (alopécie masculine, calvitie) débutante ou avancée, à condition d’avoir assez de cheveux, à l’arrière de la tête, dans la zone dite  « donneuse ».

- Toute personne ayant une cicatrice du cuir chevelu quelle qu'en soit la cause, après un accident, une opération, une radiothérapie, etc.

Les cheveux poussent très bien dans les cicatrices et permettent de les rendre invisibles.

Galerie de photos
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - micro greffe du cheveu | FUE FUT | exemples patients masculins
34 years
Patient wishing to lower the gulf line.
After a session of 865 Follicular Units
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - Hair transplantation FUE FUT | Male patients
28 years
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - Hair transplantation FUE FUT | Male patients
Après une séance
de 865 Unités Folliculaires
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - micro greffe du cheveu | FUE FUT | male patients
37 years
two sessions of 945 and1090 UF,
spaced one year apart
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - Hair transplantation FUE FUT | Male patients
31 years
After a session of 1130 uf in the frontal area.
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - Hair transplantation FUE FUT | Male patients
18 years
scar following an accident
800 hair transplants


Women can benefit from micro hair transplants in several cases: - Androgenetic alopecia: The scalp becomes visible through the hair, behind the frontal line, anteriorly. A good candidate for hair transplantation will have sufficient reserves at the back of the head and stabilized hair loss. - Alopecia of the temples, with hollowing of the gulfs as in men. Hair implant treatment allows you to recreate a feminine frontal line. - Scalp scar: whatever the cause, after a face lift, repeated hair pulling, straightening, radiotherapy. Hair grows very well in scars and makes them invisible. Micro hair transplantation, or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is done by removing hair from the back of the head, in the donor area, which must be sufficiently dense. Hair removal by FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is not generally recommended for women, because it is necessary to shave a more or less significant part of the hair behind, which will take many months to grow back. The strip is the preferred method, especially as a linear scar will be easily hidden behind. The strip is cut by the assistants into follicular units which are immediately implanted in the area to be grafted. Hair regrowth begins after approximately 3 months. The final result is acquired after 12 to 18 months.

Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - Hair transplantation FUE FUT | Female patients
34 years
receding hairlines with masculine frontal line
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - Hair transplantation FUE FUT | Female patients
one session of 885 FU
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - micro greffe du cheveu | FUE FUT | exemples patients féminins
48 years

Alopecia after facelift – lack of hair in front and above the ears, where the surgeon pulled the skin

 one session of 1100 hair transplant
28 years
Hair loss due to traction. A professional dancer, wearing a bun pulled her hair too much until it no longer grew back and created a “too large” forehead.
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - Hair transplantation FUE FUT | Female patients
One 660 UF session
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